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PTSO Meeting Dates

The President's Volunteer Service Award

The President’s Volunteer Service Award was established to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.

James River students can submit an application, along with a service log, to earn awards based on the number of hours of service. 

2024-25 FORMS


Service Log

This year's deadlines are:

1st QUARTER – May 18, 2024 – Aug 11, 2024                                Due Aug. 16th by 3:00pm

2nd QUARTER – Aug. 12, 2024 – Nov. 3, 2024                                 Due Nov. 8th by 3:00pm

3rd QUARTER – Nov. 4, 2024 – Jan. 26, 2025                                 Due Jan 31st by 3:00pm

 4th QUARTER – Jan. 27, 2025 – April 20, 2025                              Due April 25th by 3:00pm


PVSA Eligible Activities Include:

  • Volunteer time at local animal shelters.
  • Help the elderly, disabled and homeless in the community by providing yard work, household tasks, food, etc.
  • Help with activities at assisted living facilities, hospitals or daycare centers.
  • Mentor, tutor or coach young people.
  • If you are a member of a youth group (Girl/Boy Scouts, church, etc.) you can count hours doing volunteer service with these groups. Please note that time spent attending meetings does not count.
  • Provide volunteer services to help neighboring schools.
  • Help with Church activities such as Caritas, acolyte, or any other volunteer activity.
  • Participate in neighborhood cleanups, recycling programs, and other efforts to protect our environment and natural resources.
  • Assist with school special events.
  • Serve as trainer/helper for JRHS sports teams or other community-based programs. 


  • Volunteer service is counted if your service is provided free (no monetary or other compensation is provided).
  • Students must have at least 50 hours of volunteer service during the year to be recognized under the program.
  • A supervising adult must sign each entry on the log.
  • RSVP volunteer service will be counted from May 1 through April 30 of each school year.
  • No service to anyone in your immediate or extended family can be counted.
  • The organization for which services are provided must be included on the form for hours to be counted.
  • The PSVA logs must be emailed to jrhspvsa@gmail.com by the respective due dates in order to be eligible for the end of period. 
The PTSO will award the official President’s Volunteer Service Award personalized certificate of achievement, pin or coin depending on the award level completed:
Bronze - Certificate Only 
Silver - Certificate + Pin 
Gold - Certificate + Coin 
For additional information please see the Presidential Service Award website https://presidentialserviceawards.gov/
2023-24 PVSA earners:
· Madalynn Donovan
· Julianne Cario
· Riley Stapleton
· Fiona Stapleton